Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Michael Drayton: Sonnet XI

Thine eyes taught mee the Alphabet of loue,
       To con my Cros-rowe ere I learn'd to spell;
       For I was apt, a scholler like to proue,
       Gaue mee sweet lookes when as I learned well.
Vowes were my vowels, when I then begun
       At my first Lesson in thy sacred name:
       My consonants the next when I had done,
       Words consonant, and sounding to thy fame.
My liquids then were liquid christall teares,
       My cares my mutes, so mute to craue reliefe;
       My dolefull Dypthongs were my liues dispaires,
       Redoubling sighes the accents of my griefe:
My loues Schoole-mistris now hath taught me so,
That I can read a story of my woe.


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